
About Us

The “BeyondUs Magazine” is a newly established online publication which is intended to bring stories and experiences of people from multiple continents, covering topics such as Sport, Fashion, Culture, Customs, Traveling, work-life balance, living abroad from home and many more from a positive perspective. It is our intention to raise awareness and understanding about different ways of life and to encourage people to think “BEYOND” their own horizon and to understand people who live in a different part of the world or even a different part of their own country. The magazine is a product of Isarte Communication LLC, based in the US.

The Team

Marisa Abel


Graduated in Journalism from Puc-Campinas and post-graduated in Brazilian Cinema from Unicamp, she is the creator and idealizer of BeyondUs Magazine. Marisa has been working in the communication market for 18 years, 8 of which in the USA. She began her career in Brazil, where she was chief editor of magazines, TV reporter, and editor of an adventure sports site and worked as producer and press relations. In the USA she served as editor-in-chief of a Spanish-language magazine, wrote for over five years for magazine and newspaper, has been a cable TV reporter and has her own channel on YouTube.

Fernanda Langhammer

@thegodet @ferlanghammer

Fernanda Langhammer has a degree in Social Communication – Journalism from the State University of Londrina (UEL). She has been working as a journalist for almost 20 years and since the beginning of her career has shown interest in the fashion universe. She has worked as a journalist in different publications and has provided consulting services in the fashion area in Sao Paulo. In 2011 she moved to Bahrain and in the following year she became the fashion editor of a local women’s magazine and later also acted as editor. In 2020, Fernanda created The Godet where she writes about fashion and offers virtual fashion consulting.

Léia Marinho


Léia Marinho is a Fashion Designer and Teacher in the areas of Styling and Product Creation. She has worked on great brands and companies such as Rosa Chá Daslu, Vestes Criação, Sesc, Senai, she was also a fashion producer and columnist on a customized magazines publisher in Sao Paulo, creator of the Fashion, Cinema and TV course taught in New York City. Léia has a Bachelor’s degree in Fashion Design from Faculdade Santa Marcelina and a Clothing Technician from Senai Sao Paulo, she never stopped studying. She concluded the Business course in New York and Digital Marketing.

Ana Carol Reis


Ana Carol Reis is a Brazilian journalist and writer living in New York since 2016. Born in Rio de Janeiro, she is a big fan of Sao Paulo and completely passionate about NY; she brought the experience of over a decade in the largest TV station in Brazil to the Big Apple. She majored in journalism at Puc-Rio and in the USA she studied film script at the New York Film Academy.

Joana Gaspar


Joana Gaspar is an HR Manager and therapist. She loves to write and to do research on various subjects. Having worked as a translator, editor and writing assistant in some publishing companies, she takes on the role of the writing assistant in Portuguese and English at BehindUs.

Maria Elisa Guedes


Maria Elisa Guedes graduated from the Faculty of Journalism of the Pontifical Catholic University (PUC-SP), in the first class of that course, in 1981. Since that time, she has entered the market as a text reviser and has worked for several customized magazine publishers, advertising agencies, as well as book publishers, including being part of the textbook conference team for the National High School Program (PNLEM), of the Ministry of Education and Culture (MEC). She loves her work because every day she learns more and more about our dear Portuguese language, about the world we live in.

Clau Carvalho


Design and a good pinch of words, these things enchant our designer and are part of her universe, and it is through them that she expresses herself. With a degree in advertising from FIAM, Claudia has worked in customized magazines and developed graphic projects for large companies in Brazil. She was a founding partner of Yes Comunicação where she was responsible for the creative department, editorial and development of new projects, mainly in the gastronomic area. Since 2006 she is the CEO of C Design Digital.

Humberto Lima


Humberto Lima is an illustrator and graphic designer graduated from Anhembi Morumbi University, in Brazil. He has been drawing since he was a child and has always loved fashion, beauty and music. That’s why he studied fashion design, but during the course, he discovered his true passion for graphic design. He learned graphics in motion, video editing, 3D modeling and animation. Humberto did an exchange program in Toronto to learn English and worked at Vancouver Fashion Week. In Brazil he worked as a custom magazine editor and has been working in the American market as a designer for some years.

Rica Cerdan


Ricardo Cerdan or Ricca, as he is affectionately called by his close associates, has a degree in Marketing from Unifai. He started working in the commercial area, in a customized magazine publisher, but what he really wanted was to browse the online world, started to work as a web designer for this same company, and took advantage of the wave of social networks to specialize. Now he takes on the role of Webmaster at BehindUs Magazine and continues to act as Nexo’s partner owner.

Michelle Cerniciuti


With a degree in Physical Education from Unisant’anna, the young woman is a successful entrepreneur. Since 2012 she has been in charge of the Chute Inicial soccer school, in Atibaia-SP, and has already gotten a lot of recognition in the market, since the school is considered a gold unit since the implementation of the ranking. She has recently invested in another project, the Arena Cental, a recreational space for training and sports practices. At the head of the school administration, Michelle still organizes her time to take courses and is the BeyondUS secretary.

Ana Paula Souza


With a bachelor’s degree in English and Portuguese from UNIFAAT, Ana Paula also studied Educational Psychology. Currently living in NYC, she is an English translator and teacher. Having worked in different language schools gave her experience in various teaching approaches and, while living in Brazil, she founded her own English school, APS Inglês Personalizado. In the United States she took several continuing education courses and studied at well known universities such as Berkeley and Stanford. Some of the courses she took are Linguistics, American Culture, Writing and Presenting in English. Ana Paula is passionate about teaching and the English language, and her mission is to listen and communicate effectively.

Camila Andrade


Camila Andrade has a degree in Administration and Specialist in International Relations and Diplomacy, from Universidade Curitiba PR, a Brazilian born in São Paulo, based in the United States since 2014, in 2010 she worked in the foreign trade sector in Germany. He loves to learn new languages ​​and cultures.

Leonor Schuller


Leonor has a degree in Tourism from the University of San Francisco and is also a Hospitality Technician graduated from Centro Paula Souza. She started as a writing assistant in 2003, worked in two renowned publishing houses in the State of São Paulo and currently works in the administrative area, in a company focused on the longevity sector. She loves to do researches and besides everything she is a passionate about culture and knowledge!

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